Healing Instructions

Proper healing and aftercare can be the key to your new tattoo keeping its vitality and being fresh years into the future, or not looking the way you’d want, ten years down the road. That can make that initial first week after getting a tattoo a little nerve-wracking, as you don’t want to do anything to negate its healing, but our tips will make sure it heals in amazing fashion.

We recommend leaving the bandage on for at least two hours–or sleeping with it on, but for no longer than 24 hours. After you take the bandage off, wash the tattoo with in-direct warm water and liquid antibacterial soap. Pat it dry and let it breathe, totally air dried. Once this happens, there are two routes you can go down:

  1. You can apply a “pea-sized” amount of Aquaphor or A&D and rub it in, almost like a lotion and blot dry any excess from your skin, right after you clean it. Keep applying Aquaphor every 6-8 hours for about a week (2 times a day) and it’ll be healed.

  2. You can also wash it and let it air dry and do its own thing for 48 hours, letting a new layer of skin heal and take over. This may be itchy and uncomfortable, but it will really allow the tattoo to set in. Once that 48 hours is over, you can then start applying the Aquaphor or A&D 2 times per day, same as direction number one.

Regardless of which one you choose, or how you go about it, aftercare is essential for the longevity and look of your tattoos. It’s going to be on your body forever, so make sure you take time out of that first week to get some fresh ink, to make sure that it looks good on your body, forever.